For Men Only...
Does God want men to live to 120?
“Scientists think the world’s first 200-year-old person has already been born. Will it be you?”
Stanford Professor Stuart Kim
Genesis 6:3 says of men’s lifespan:
“...for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”Hi, my name is Matt Cook, and I believe that we are all able to live to age 120.
And not just live, but be healthy and happy to age 120…
...spiritually fulfilled, physically fulfilled, fulfilled in every sense of the word as a man.
I believe that because I know it to be true. God has promised it.
Let me ask you… how long do you think you will live?
Some people say 80, some people say 90… but why stop there?
Why not plan to live to age 110 or even age 120, like me?
Imagine making plans to start an entirely new career at age 90...
Maybe you will jet-set around the world and teach French.

...or learn about butterflies or help underprivileged kids in Latin America.
If God does want men to live to 120, why are you limiting yourself to thinking you’ll live only to 80 or 90?
Why not live longer?
Every day, new medical discoveries are being made, making it entirely possible for men like you and me to live to 100 or 110, even 120.
In fact, I wrote a book showing men how to live potentially decades longer than they ever expected…
...using natural remedies I’ve discovered, put here on Earth by God himself...
And you may think I’m crazy, for planning on living to 120…but I think it’s possible for you too.
This is the power of being Healthy to 120.
Instead of planning to live to age 90, why not plan to live to age 110 or even age 120?
Imagine making plans to start an entirely new career at age 90.
Maybe you will jet-set around the world and teach French.
Or maybe at age 100 you will learn a new sport and go scuba diving or learn about butterflies or help underprivileged kids in Latin America.
Why is it so far-fetched? In fact, my book shows how men can potentially live decades longer than they ever expected to live.
So how did I come up with these secrets?
Years ago, I decided to make it my business to figure out how I could live to 120 years old.
120 years old is the human's theoretical maximum life span (and it may be too low even.)
You may think I'm crazy, but I'm planning to live that long. And you should too.
This is the power of being Healthy to 120.
6 Benefits of Being Healthy to 120

#1 Less Belly Fat
Healthier metabolisms, build more lean muscle and lose fat more easily. Even when they "cheat" and eat occasional junk foods.

#3 Sleep through the night
Sleep undisturbed...without the need to get up to urinate during the restful sleep.

#4 Living healthy
A healthy feeling as a man means you can take care of oneself and live where you want to live.

#5 Stronger bones
Good strong bones let you be fit and active

#6 Confident, Assertive Personality
Good cognitive powers and a healthy amount of chutzpah assure you get what you want.

About the Author: Matt Cook
Just a few years ago, I was a completely different man. I was living in darkness -- never expecting to live past 50 years old.
I was taking 6 medications a day.
I had asthma, prediabetes, high blood pressure, terrible back pain, migraines, and prostate problems.
...waking up 3 or 4 nights to urinate every night and struggling to empty my bladder…
Truthfully, I felt like I was on my way to an early grave.
But by the Grace of God, that has all changed...
...today I don’t need to take a single prescription pill.
I have good, healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels.
And I sleep all night, in a deep REM sleep, without waking up.
When I go to the bathroom, I have no problem emptying my bladder.
And things with my wife are more passionate, more fulfilling and loving than ever before…
All thanks to this little experiment I did on myself… to discover how to be Healthy to 120...
Love Breakthrough: How to fall more deeply in love than you ever thought possible
One of the reasons why I wrote my book was because I felt I had rediscovered a way to fall madly in love with my wife again......more than ever before...
...so that every morning my love burns more and more brightly than the day before.
We've been married 33 years and this has been the greatest discovery of my life...
I think that God wants us to be thrilled and happy in a strong, physical relationship.
And I think that even if you are single, you can have it all with a woman.In fact, I have made my book simple and down-to-earth for men who want to have a great physical relationship with a woman…
Even men who are having problems in those areas. Especially for such men!
I have been married more than three decades, and I can promise you now that I have never been more in love with my wife than I am today.
And in my book, you’ll read only about the things that men care about the most -- like a physical, spiritual, and emotional relationship with a woman…
...and staying healthy, out of doctors offices and hospitals, and being happy and full of God’s light until your last day on Earth.
This is the power of being Healthy to 120.
Here's What Men Are Saying About the Healthy to 120 Book
As a man, I always have this grave thought at the back of my mind going: "You don't have much time left, are you going to do everything you wanted before the sand runs out?"
But this book has allowed me to live with confidence again. With the tips and actionable advice inside I have regained the energy and drive to do what I could only dream of before.
Now everytime I wake up in the morning I smile because I have my health, energy and confidence to approach women, exercise and learn.
I am confident that thanks to this book I will cross-out everything from my bucket list and when I'm over 100, I'll be so satisfied with the life I've lived that I won't be afraid of time running out. This is truly the best gift any man can get.
Thanks Matt!
Matt, your informative advice is greatly appreciated.
Your writings identify specific deficiencies–and potential conflicts between physical sources–which most men know nothing about.
Amazing that we are not told of these basics when we are young guys!
--Rob Wold
Hi Matt, you rock!
Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems.
Keep up the good work.
First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning.
Just stunning.
Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into them.
Congratulations and thank you.
Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome, life-transforming information I have ever discovered.
After taking several of your courses I have enough information to last me for the rest of my life.
The journey you have sent me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will continue to transform as I progress.
Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to taking further courses from you.
Jim S.
Matt Cook is a genius! Let me warn you, this info is not conventional. Everything Matt talks about is backed up by proof and facts but it's surprising how little people know about this stuff. If you're serious about improving every aspect of your life and living life to the fullest (not just chugging along), I recommend you read this book now.
-- George R.
It was a good, quick read, and laid out the facts in a well thought out way.
Gave it to my wife to read also.
My recommendation is actually to take a bit of time, go through the table of contents and dive in. Worth it!
Thank you Matt!
--Dale H
Thanks for all the diligent research you have done. God is being very merciful in giviing so many of us battling health issues to have someone so dedicated to helping others to regain good health apart form drugs. May God Bless You Richly for making such a sacrificial effort to help others.
Hi Matt, I already have the book from you.
I have been enjoying it. I got it from you a few months ago when you found some in a store room.
I appreciated just paying for shipping then to get it. It's a great book.
I do thank you for thinking of me.
All the best Matt to you and your crew.
Your Friend,
Matt I received your book Healthy to 120 and it is priceless. every man and women should have a copy, what a wonderful world this could be Thank you
Healthy to 120
A Step by Step Toolkit for Men Who Want to Live Their Dreams
This book, Healthy to 120, contains everything I have discovered about living a long, healthy, happy, spiritually-fulfilling life…
...NATURALLY, the way God intended, so I can spend less time in doctors offices…
...and more time in my loving wife’s arms, surrounded by family and friends…
And I hope this book helps you as well.
It’s a personal 356-page guide to follow in my footsteps, as I followed in His, to reclaim my youth, health, and vitality…
I may have started in a terrible place...but today I’m healthier, fitter, and more full of His light than I was at age 20.
And I’m truly hoping Healthy to 120 will give you the inspiration to transform your own life.
This is my life’s work, my ultimate achievement…
And I hope reading my story and what I have discovered on my journey will help you and other men.
I hope it can help you make the second half of your life the best half of your life!
As it is written, “All things are possible for one who believes.” (Psalm 16:11)
“There is fullness and joy, and at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Mark 9:23)
Here’s what else you get in the Healthy to 120 Package…
Included in the Package:
Matt Cook’s Healthy to 120 Book -- $29.95 on Amazon.com

This 356-page masterwork contains what has worked for me. I’ve been to 12 countries, 3 continents, and more states than I can count to find natural ways to live a happy and healthy life and avoid the need for medical interventions.
And I’ve put my journey and everything that helped me into one easy-to-find place, written in plain language, and simple enough for any man to get some good ideas from.
I hope these natural discoveries will help you like it’s helped me.
7 Free Bonus Reports -- $79 value
- Drugs for Pennies on the Dollar: I was so upset with high drug prices that in order to help my family members who have to take medication, I started exploiting a loophole (fully legal) that lets them get medications for $0.09 per pill instead of over $1.00 a pill… here is exactly how my family uses this secret loophole to get the same, safe, pure drugs they could get at my neighborhood pharmacy, for a fraction of the cost… this beats Canadian pharmacies by a huge amount of savings…
- 5-Minute Natural Home Tooth Whitening: I find this makes my teeth really white! Here’s how I have teeth as white as I want, safely, and for only pennies, taking me less than 5 minutes at home…
- 5-Minute Joint Pain Relief: My whole family uses this safe joint pain relief that’s over 100 years old, but only recently rediscovered...and it greatly helps stop their joint pain. This formula uses ingredients found in any family medicine cabinet or kitchen cupboard…
- 10-Cent Drops to Help Aging Eyes: My wife Jodi uses these drops, in the hopes of keeping her eyes young. I’ve found studies that show the drops have a long history of working to protect and maintain healthy vision.
- Relieving Back Pain: How I am erasing my back pain with a simple mental exercise...so that my brain cannot even feel the pain anymore...and it works for me, long-term. This back pain technique works for me on virtually any pain. I learned it from a pioneering California physician and I use it whenever I have any pain at all.
- Homemade Icy type balm for pennies: It’s easy and takes me just 2 minutes to make the best, cleanest-feeling, effective balm to rub anywhere on my body and remove pain right away… If anyone in my family has a minor ache or joint pain, we make and apply this icy balm. And we don’t have to spend a lot of money at the drugstore.
- How I’m Cheating My Dentist Out of $10,000: How I’m avoiding costly and bankrupting, sometimes painful, sessions in the dental chair… My dentist gawked at my last Panoramic X-Ray because my teeth were in such good shape. So much better than drilling, filling, caps, or implants in my opinion…my dental checkups and cleanings are just routine now and they no longer hurt!
Right now you get the Healthy to 120 Package, including my acclaimed book. Plus you get added to my most exclusive group of guys who receive all my latest health discoveries.
You see, I’m reading over 15,000 medical studies a year, so I’m constantly uncovering brand new research and updating my discoveries along the way…
At first, I was just sending this new information out to a few friends... but then more and more men wanted access to these instant updates…
Now almost 400,000 men are reading my health updates, and they’re enjoying my health discoveries and ideas.
I have priests, rabbis, US congressmen, NFL football players, famous performers and lots of “regular Joes” who love my updates.
I prefer using natural remedies if possible, to continue feeling more and more like my younger self, and hopefully to live a longer and healthier life…
If this sounds like the kind of life you want for yourself, you can instantly become part of this exclusive group of men who are learning about my discoveries and how I am living healthy, happy life until I’m 100 or 120 years old…
I figured I had a choice. I could just do nothing different. And keep getting worse and worse physically, mentally and in every other way that counts to a man...
...But I’m always wanting to turn back the clock and start looking and feeling like I did 20 or 30 years ago.
So if you feel as I do, I think you’ll really enjoy getting my research updates.
Here’s a little preview of what you’ll get with my instant health updates, part of the Healthy to 120 Package:
- All my family members thank me for finding this delicious treat containing more than 8 times as many flavonoids as red wine…this sweet treat has been used for centuries to help support good healthy blood pressure...

- I’ve stumbled onto a 20-minute back- pain remedy that helps to reduce joint pain for me, and it seems to last and last... now any kind of joint pain is a rarity for me… All I have to do is add this natural remedy to my bathwater, and pain gets reduced in most cases…
- Whenever I used to floss and brush my teeth, I’d see blood in the sink. It was happening to me a lot and it was actually painful… Well, then I found this “African” vitamin, and it gives me super quick relief for bleeding gums…
- You know how foods like oatmeal are shown to lower cholesterol? It’s not just oatmeal...so I put together a guide to all the foods that can lower cholesterol -- eat one of these every day to help lower your cholesterol naturally, just by eating one of these delicious foods each day..
- If you’re feeling more frail and fragile, I have found a vitamin that helps support strong bones. Take a little every day by applying it to your skin. … Now I climb, play tennis or wrestle with confidence and I feel that my body is strong enough to do the things I love to do…
- And even more incredible breakthroughs coming soon…
- You can get access to all of these discoveries and get ideas on what to do for your own health, and you don’t even have to pay a single cent for it…
And that’s not all...you get exclusive Access to the Vault with More Bonus Gifts
- In my book, I show how I discovered how to support a healthy prostate (page 101).
- I found what works for me to maintain 110/80 blood pressure most of the time (page 139).
- When a family member had to go on blood thinners, I found this alternative that the doctor was happy with and you may find it helpful to ask your doctor about (page 180).
- After friends seemed to suffer very severe side effects from cholesterol medications, I began looking for natural alternatives -- and I found them. The doctor told me “You don’t need to take these pills anymore,” and this is what I’ve been doing (page 162).
- Having good high testosterone is helpful to men. Here’s the story of how I raised my testosterone and got a much better hormone profile as a man (page 96).

- I found certain fats that can improve all markers of health in men, with regular consumption. I am showing you how to eat these fats if you want to improve your male hormone profile and feel better (page 243).
- In my book, I talk about medications and supplements that you may want to discuss with your doctor. My doctor was flabbergasted when I showed him -- but he couldn’t argue with my results and is trying them himself now (page 14).
- What I discovered about the longest living people on Earth -- two secret foods they eat, and one secret they ALL avoid. I implement this immediately to live longer… these are men routinely living past 100. I have done detailed research and discovered some startling facts that gave me great ideas on how I plan to live decades longer…(page 33)
- I was exercising too hard…so instead, I do THIS -- much more fun and pleasurable, and it is hopefully adding decades of healthy lifespan I can look forward to (page 316).
- Why losing weight the right way made all my health problems better -- I love the thinner me. And nothing else ever worked. The secret was NOT in eating fewer calories, or cutting carbs, or skipping meals. Here’s what has worked for me (page 250).
- The number one food ingredient that you may want to avoid...it affects male hormones and can actually harm your health if you eat it too often…(page 48)
- I regularly use a simple blue dye that has been known for 150 years to help cells generate energy more efficiently (page 91)
- I found that cholesterol is needed for the male body to create all the steroid hormones including testosterone. I found a way to help increase the body’s conversion of cholesterol into testosterone (page 168)
- My blood sugars used to creep up...but not anymore. Now I started to eat a little differently at breakfast, and my blood sugars went from 120 to 88 in the morning. (page 276)
- Why “calories in equal calories out” may not be true. How I increased my metabolic rate and began burning food faster, letting me lose unsightly and dangerous body fat… (page 292)
Contact Us
You can phone us at 877-691-3328 or outside the US at + 703-637-9163. If you have a question, feel free to give us your questions and comments and we respond to all of them. Matt looks at all these emails and answers them.
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Mailing Address:
Calworth Glenford LLC
1005 Country Club Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 USA