Healthy to 120

Join 21,262 men adding decades of happy healthy and SEXY life without pills or procedures

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Just give acclaimed health researcher Matt Cook 30 days, and he’ll show you how to add decades to your life

  • Stop living in fear of cancer, or heart attack…
  • Get more blood flow “down there” starting tonight
  • Impress your wife or girlfriend with your newfound stamina and health

Life expectancy for women is almost 82 years…but why is it only 78 years for men?

And it gets worse for men. Because…

…not only do men die sooner, but men are more likely to suffer debilitating disease….

..prostate cancer that destroys a man’s life,

…blood pressure that causes strokes in men, and

… heart problems that stop them cold from enjoying their grandchildren.

Worst of all, perhaps, is erectile dysfunction killing one’s manhood and stopping a man from fully enjoying his life.

That’s not going to be true for you anymore when you read my Healthy To 120.

Why Healthy to 120 is dedicated to my doctor dad.

My dad was a noted physician. He must’ve treated hundred thousand patients in his lifetime…

And my dad never turned down a patient who couldn’t pay.

Dad lived to a ripe old age of 94, but what killed him was modern medicine.

You see, as a physician himself, Dad prescribed medications of all kinds to his patients.

But Dad didn’t take any of these medications himself. He didn’t need to.

Dad was robust, healthy and happy…

…until he started taking the medications he had been prescribing his own patients.

And by the time he died, Dad was on 17 different medications.

I’m convinced all those medications killed Dad.

And as a result of what Dad went through, I decided not to let that happen to me or anyone else if I could help it.

I began researching men’s disease, ED and health problems…and the more I researched, the more I was shocked.

Big Pharma tests drugs in China, far away from regulators who can oversee the process.

Drugs get approved with short “stage 3” trials that may only last only 6 months

Negative studies are buried, ignored and censored

After years of taking the drug, you and I are told that the drug has hurt our bodies and caused more harm than good

By then the Big Pharma corporations are peddling the next drug, this one even more profitable than the last one

Why do you think you see so many drug ads on TV and the Internet today?

Because one drug can earn $150 billion over the years. Just one drug.

Drug companies earn more profits today than farmers earn from raising our food.

And then one day…

…I discovered these “Censored 3000” studies…

These Censored 3000 are solid, smart and scientific…they are done by universities including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and UC Berkeley.

And the reason they are to be trusted is they are NOT funded by drug companies.

And these Censored 3000 studies say that a man can live to 120 without all the Big Pharma drugs.

Without going down what I now call the “medical rat hole.” Without dying on 17 different medications, like my dad.

An average man can live to be 120

And have great sex and a great family life, all the way to the very end.

How is this possible?

New findings reveal simple supplements available in a drugstore or health food store can actually add years to your life if taken in the correct way.

You won’t hear about these supplements in the newspaper, TV or Internet.

These supplements together with simple dietary tweaks mean that at last, a man may be able to add decades to his life.

It has worked for me…

When I was 44 years old, I was so sick that I doubted I would live to past 50.

Here I am now, much much older, and I take no medications whatever. Neither does my wife. She is in her 60s and is often mistaken for a woman in her 40s.

We are more healthy than anyone in our circle, any of our friends, or any of our family.

And the reason is that we follow the very simple supplements and suggestions in Healthy to 120.

And now you too can try out all of the plan in Healthy to 120 completely Free… just help me out with the hosting costs so that I can afford to get this out to as many men as possible.

If you have a wife or girlfriend she will benefit from this too, but it is especially for men.

Landmark studies that Big Pharma prays you don’t read

My research has found well-done, proven studies that reveal

  • Many surgeries including 97% of prostate cancer surgeries are unproven…

I discovered a better way to shrink prostates and to reduce the chances of cancer by over 95%…

…even if you’ve been diagnosed, this simple tweak can make it much easier to live the rest of your life without going down the medical rathole…

  • I found that today’s blood pressure treatments are worse than the “disease”.

the pills cause erectile dysfunction in many men and by normalizing blood pressure without pills, potency returns.

Through two years of research, I finally found this two minute “tweak” that has helped thousands of men get to normal blood pressure WITHOUT pills…

  • I found that many blood thinners cause arteries to harden…

you get plaque in the arteries and even in the penile chambers…

…fortunately I found a few simple nutritional tweaks that your doctor will approve of, that often make it unnecessary to take these, or that get RID of this awful artery-hardening penis-softening side effect

  • Many statin medications cause muscles to deteriorate and brain damage that may not be reversible.

I found the true role of cholesterol in the human body, and a way to get normal cholesterol readings WITHOUT dangerous statins…

imagine going to your doctor with your new lab results, grinning ear to ear, because your doctor says, “you don’t need to take these pills anymore.”

  • I found certain supplements you have right now in your bathroom or kitchen, that can work better than pills in preventing cancer…

and if you already have cancer, these assist your doctors in stopping or reversing cancer without terrible chemo side effects.

You no longer are afraid of cancer…unlike your friends you can expect extra decades of life free from the Big C.

  • I found certain commonly accepted “safe” fats that dramatically lower testosterone levels.

You can easily stop eating these fats, and you’ll feel a surge of libido as your health improves with higher testosterone readings and thicker harder muscles.

You can see why men today need Healthy to 120.

Claim your digital copy of Matt Cook’s Healthy to 120 (Usually $29.95) for just a small one time amount of $9 that helps us cover our hosting costs.

Here are just a few of the potentially decades-extending life-saving gems in Healthy to 120

  • Specific medications you or your loved ones are probably taking that have dangerous side effects…

some of these can permanently ruin a man’s virility…I found easy natural substitutes that your doctor will approve of…

  • What I discovered about the longest living people on earth…two secret foods they eat, and one secret they ALL avoid…you and I can implement this immediately to live longer ourselves…

remember, these are men routinely living past 100, often much older…is it the chocolate they eat, the cigarettes they smoke, the liquor they drink?

I have done detailed research and discovered some startling facts that you can use NOW to live decades longer…

  • Why strenuous workouts and exercise are actually harmful and may be shortening our lives.

Hint: think “stress hormones”…most exercise today actually shortens life and lowers testosterone levels

The wrong type of exercise increases cortisol, adrenaline, histamine and serotonin…even estrogen skyrockets… Instead, try THIS…much more fun, pleasurable and it can add decades of healthy lifespan you look forward to

  • Why losing weight may be the WORST thing you can do…

…and while it may be nice to look in the mirror and see a thinner you, it’s essential that you lose weight without dumping blood fat…

…blood fat causes a lot of harm including insulin resistance and inflammation…blood fat can cause diabetes, ED and even arthritis…

…I found how you can lose unsightly belly and “man boob” fat WITHOUT harmful blood fat (free fatty acids is what scientists call them, and they are devastating to your health.)

  • The number one killer that no one talks about that lowers testosterone, causes heart attacks, increases the risk of stroke and deadly disease…

…and no it’s NOT sugar and it’s NOT bread…in fact, you can live a lot longer enjoying desserts and bread as long as you avoid this one killer…

  • The true cause of cancer is a “cancer metabolism” including “glycolysis in the presence of oxygen” and this can be easily reversed with a simple blue dye that has been known for 150 years…

get your oncologist scratching his head and wondering what it is that you have been doing…

  • The worst medications that you could possibly be taking could shorten your life by decades…

here’s the list…and alternatives that can get your doctor’s blessing…

  • Why cholesterol is good for you and why certain processed foods may lower your cholesterol and also lower your lifespan…

the real scoop…you may want to INCREASE your cholesterol readings after you find this out…

  • What you should know before you go to your dentist office and if you don’t know it it could shorten your life by many many years…

you never think about teeth until they create a problem, but invisible invaders called anarobic bacteria infiltrate the teeth and gums and build up lethally in the joints and the heart valve…fortunately I found a simple fix…

  • Why diabetes is treatable without pills … and why many men with diabetes fix their erectile dysfunction when they fix their diabetes…

this lets a man with type 2 diabetes get normal blood sugars so his doctor says, “stop taking your diabetes medication, you don’t need the medication any more!”

  • How to get rid of erectile dysfunction and stories of men who have done it and what they’ve done…

Erectile dysfunction often predicts the onslaught of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer and more…getting to the root of ED can also add decades of healthy, happy and sexy life for a man…

  • The secret that drug companies are spending billions on that you can do at home…

it’s called mitochondrial uncoupling…and scientists at it’s like burning fat where it is now in the fat cells, without having to exercise or eat less…

mitochondrial uncoupling RAISES your metabolism so you burn more energy all the time, without exercise…

one famous scientist says “individuals with high metabolism had greater energy expenditures and survived longest – supporting the ‘uncoupling to survive’ hypothesis.”

Get your digital copy of Healthy to 120 — just help us out with the $9 to help us defray our hosting costs….and get $79 of bonus material completely Free…

YES! Nothing is more important than my health, happiness and long life as a full complete MAN. So please get me instant digital access to Healthy to 120…I don’t mind helping you out with $9 to help you defray hosting costs…

With this special offer, you will receive:

  1. Healthy to 120— a $29.95 value, yours at a savings of Over $20!

Health researcher Matt Cook has over 127,547 subscribers to his newsletter, and has helped over 20,162 men reclaim their health, sexual wellbeing and happiness.

In this new groundbreaking book, Matt shows you:

  • They are WRONG about testosterone (it’s now a huge profit center for Big Pharma)…

because testosterone levels can stay high throughout a man’s life…if a man’s testosterone falls with age, it means he is suffering from internal inflammation which can usually be fixed…

  • How to make sure your thyroid is functioning correctly…

here’s how to have life-transforming health and sex into your 90s and beyond
the thyroid facts your doctor doesn’t know…
the hidden cause of high blood pressure, ED and high cholesterol, often fixed with a simple supplement…

  • How you can safeguard yourself against heart attack and stroke with this one simple vitamin (that you probably have never heard of)…

this vitamin reverses plaque deposits, strengthens your bones and gets your blood vessels clear and clean.

  • “Roto rooter for your arteries” —

Simple ways of increasing blood flow “down there” remove plaque buildup in the arteries.
Blood flow to all organs including the penis increases…this lets you perform as if you were a decade younger and it will help you live much longer too.

  • Why good long sexual intercourse can help you live decades longer and the right way to approach having this type of satisfying intercourse, whether or not you have a partner at this time.

The right type of sex can last hours, and you can enjoy huge health benefits well into your 90s and beyond…

  • Poor gut health is almost universal…

and it results in bacterial waste products, called endotoxins, flooding your liver with poisons…here’s how gut health is as simple as one food that you should be eating every day…this one food can not only fix your gut but also let you lose fat, raise your testosterone, and lower your harmful estrogen

  1. Matt Cook’s Dimes on the Dollar Health Cures — a FREE 60 day trial subscription!

Men have different healthy needs than women do, and that’s why Matt’s Cook Dimes on the Dollar cures are specifically for men’s issues and men’s problems.
These health cures will utterly change your life,

  • IF you are a man who prefers getting off medications and staying off them…
  • IF you are a man who believes in the body’s natural healing powers…
  • IF you are a man who believes that too much medical care today is brought to us by Big Pharma, and not altogether to our benefit…

Take colds for instance. You can try “cold medicines” or you can have your cold pass through and be gone within hours.
(We discovered a cold remedy that works virtually all the time, and that makes colds go away in hours, not days.)
Or, consider the importance of bowel movements to health.
Sure you can gobble down pills for constipation…but how much healing will take place? Do you think some of these may cause damage to the body?
Now instead, with Dimes on the Dollar Health Cures, you will find that you go once or twice a day and that your gut becomes cleansed, sparkling and healthy inside.
Don’t be shocked when many other health issues disappear — they were caused by your gut all along!

  • BUILD STRONGER BONES: Studies show this “mountain mineral” prevents fractures and increases bone density—yet most men have never heard of it! Monthly cost? Just $20! (And no it’s not just calcium…)
  • CUT YOUR CHOLESTEROL: A daily serving of this “breakfast item” can reduce your total cholesterol by as much as 23 percent. Monthly cost? Under $10!
  • The “candy store treat” that lowers your blood pressure. Contains more than eight times as many heart-healthy flavonols as red wine!
  • Heartburn gone in 5 minutes! Just press the tip of your thumb here and get relief in a flash…
  • Quick relief for bleeding gums! This “African vitamin” speeds healing and halts plaque buildup. No dental surgery required!
  • LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE: New study shows people over 50 who do this shave 30 points off their blood pressure! Monthly cost? FREE! (Hint: It’s NOT exercise!)
  • 20-minute cure for back pain. Simply add this “pain extractor” to your bathwater. Get ready to say “ahhh!”
  • Decrease artery “sludge” and reduce cholesterol buildup simply by eating this simple kitchen cabinet staple. Protects against heavy metals and toxins, too.
  • BANISH ARTHRITIS: Stop painful inflammation by eating this “cooling fruit”. Works whether you choose fresh, frozen, canned, or juiced! Monthly cost? $30 or less!
  • Split-second anemia cure. A glass of this delicious juice gives you a swift iron boost!
  • Two-minute fix makes warts vanish. Erases all traces in as little as one week—with NO freezing or scarring!
  • STABILIZE BLOOD SUGAR: 60 percent of diabetics who take this mineral report improved glucose control. Monthly cost? Less than 6 bucks!

A digital trial Subscription to Matt Cook’s Renegade Medical Discoveries, underground, censored and BURIED medical discoveries the drug companies PRAY you don’t learn about

As an added bonus, we want to give you a trial subscription to Renegade Medical Discoveries — when you get Matt’s book.

  1. A 30 day trial subscription to Matt Cook’s acclaimed Renegade Medical Discoveries monthly newsletter, mailed discreetly to your house.

Each month Matt shows you new medical secrets that the drug companies want censored, buried or suppressed. And how to use them RIGHT NOW to live a longer, more healthy and more sexually fulfilled life.
And how to use them RIGHT NOW to live a longer, more healthy and more sexually fulfilled life.
Trial Subscription to Matt Cook’s Renegade Medical Discoveries, underground, censored and BURIED medical discoveries the drug companies PRAY you don’t learn about
As an added bonus, we want to give you a trial subscription to Renegade Medical Discoveries — when you get Matt’s book.
Matt Cook travels the globe and visits real people who are living very old ages, fathering children and living the good life.
Matt spends hours every day researching health studies and strategies the giant drug corporations pray you don’t learn about.
Each month, Renegade Medical Discoveries monthly offers men specific expert guidance based on Matt’s discoveries:

  • Prevent prediabetes from becoming any worse, and reversing diabetic symptoms without dangerous medications
  • Increase your sexual performance so you can feel 100 times the sensitivity
  • Beat prostate problems and live without prostate surgery or medicines or having to get up and pee all the time.
  • If you’ve already had prostate surgery the good news is Matt’s methods can help you recover your potency
  • Maintain great blood pressure without the pills that cause erectile dysfunction
  • The real truth about flu shots and what you should do and flu season that can virtually prevent you from getting flu

And so much more packed into the monthly newsletter and the book:

  • Buy drugs for pennies on the dollar — how to do it legally and safely…and this is NOT about those “Canadian” pharmacies, this is FAR cheaper…people in the know pay pennies for pills instead of dollars…
  • How to whiten your teeth in five minutes without dangerous chemicals (many of the tooth whitening systems endanger your teeth and gums)
  • A 5 minute natural treatment for arthritis that many people call “a cure”
  • 10 cent eye drops that prevent cataracts — postpone or eliminate the need for surgery
  • How to inactivate back pain for life — takes just seconds to do…you’ll wonder why your doctor didn’t tell you about this!
  • 30 second remedy for plantar fasciitis that REALLY works…no more foot pain!
  • Homemade Icy Hot(r) — make it for pennies and it’s natural and works better than the commercial product…
  • How to “cheat” your dentist — save $10,000 or more that you’d pay him because now you won’t need any more costly dental work

Read what some of Matt Cook’s readers have to say…

“Blood sugar from 113 to 82”

When I first went for check up my blood sugar level was 138dl.

It remained at that level for two more weeks and when I went for control again it had fallen to 82dl.

That was about a month later. My blurred vision had disappeared and I was seeing normally again. -Val

“Testosterone from 300 to 900”

Testosterone was increased from 300 to 900, and my PSA was .47.

Matt you have saved me from getting the “tube in Dr willie” operation.

Thanks, is not enough. -Gene; Houston, Texas

“No relapses”

“Matt, Thank you for what you do. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS a year ago I have changed my Diet, lifestyle and mindset.

Your emails have been a great help through my struggle in successfully treating my symptoms WITHOUT the use of Dr. Prescribed medications.

Through diet and lifestyle changes, I have had 0 relapses, while others I know who got on prescription drugs have had multiple relapses and side effects from the drugs.

Thank you,and if I can EVER assist you in your journey to help others…please don’t hesitate to email me…I love helping others, and it would bring me great joy to help you do the same. -Jason

“You rock!”

“Hi Matt, you rock!”

Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems.

Keep up the good work. -Chase

“Was taking 23 drugs, now ZERO prescriptions”

Matt, I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23 prescription drugs a day.

Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue. -Gregory Jay Chaney