Meet these amazing men living past 100 years old...
I am studying men who are living on their own, living a good life, who are at least 100.
Living on their own.
Not in a nursing home. No care-givers.
Just guys living and working and having a blast -- over 100 years old.
Men like Fred Kummerow -- here he is at 100 years old...
Fred is living at home, independently, without any "caregiver" -- just living like you and I live -- and he's eating this 1 food...
And look at Gilbert Ling at 100 years old, eating this 1 food and living on his own in his own home:
And Shigeaki Hinohara, at age 104, living on his own, in his own home, and eating this 1 food:
Meet Richard Overton, a 109-year man who is eating this 1 food and driving around town in his truck in Austin, Texas.
And Dr. Charles Godfrey eats this food -- he's a 100-year-old professor and physician who is still practicing medicine in not just one clinic, but multiple clinics across Toronto!
Bernando LaPollo from Arizona is eating this 1 food, and he's 114 and still going strong.
Meet Joe Newman, a 107-year-old man living in Florida, who is eating this 1 food and still driving around town having a great time with his woman.
Robert Weighton eats this 1 food and he's 112 years old! He's the oldest living man in Britain with 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren...
And meet Ignacio Aguilar, a Catamayan man who is 115 years old and STILL dancing like he's a young man thanks to this 1 food...
Orville Rogers eats this 1 food -- and he's 99 years old and still running marathons for fun!
Meet George C. Seward, a 100-year-old practicing lawyer who has been eating this 1 food -- he has no plans to ever retire because he's loving life!
Anthony Mancinelli eats this 1 food at 107 years old -- and he's the oldest living full-time barber! He still cuts hair 5 days a week in his shop in New York.
And there's Irving Kahn, a 106-year-old stockbroker who has been working on Wall Street since 1928. He eats this 1 food and loving life.
Meet Sydney, a 101 year old man living in Britain, who loves gardening and nature walks. He eats this 1 food and is still plenty active.
And Buster, eating this 1 food and still working in an auto shop at 100-years-old. Many people mistake him for a man 30 or 40 years younger, and that's the way he likes it!
Same goes for Rosie, a 101-year-old man living on his own in Arizona. He's eating this 1 food and performing on stage every Friday night.
And Magomed, the oldest man in Russia and perhaps the oldest man on Earth at 121 years old. He is eating this 1 food and still sharp as a tack.
If Magomed is 121, maybe we can even go beyond that!

“Our lifespan, which we now set at a statistic of 120 maximum, could reach 150, 200, or even more.” -- Dr Christophe De Jaeger, a French expert in the science of longevity

"We are not talking about something ridiculously ambitious or unrealistic or visionary," says Nobel Prize winning scientist Elizabeth Blackburn.
As a man, I always have this grave thought at the back Of my mind going: "You dont have much time left, are you going to do everything you wanted before the sand runs out?" But this book has allowed me to live with confidence again. With the tips and actionable advice inside I have regained the energy and drive to do what I could only dream of before. Now everytime I wake up in the morning I smile because I have my health, energy and confidence to approach women, exercise and learn. I am confident that thanks to this book I will cross-out everything from my bucket list and when I'm over 100, I'll be so satisfied with the life I've lived that I wont be afraid of time running out. This is truly the best gift any man can get.
Thanks Matt!
Matt, your informative advice is greatly appreciated. Your writings identify specific deficiencies—and potential conflicts between physical sources—which most men know nothing about. Amazing that we are not told of these basics when we are young guys!
- Rob Wold
Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems. Keep up the good work.
First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning. Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into them. Congratulations and thank you. Seriously.
Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome, life-transforming information I have ever discovered. After taking several of your courses I have enough information to last me for the rest of my life. The journey you have sent me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to taking further courses from you.
- Jim S.